The Heidi Ho Hope Foundation exists to provide long term financial planning for Heidi Ho, it’s classes, programs, students & staff. The Foundation is comprised of faithful contributors who entrust and support Heidi Ho’s sustainability for years to come.

The Spring 2025 Heidi Ho Hope Foundation Gala will be held on Friday, April 25th in the Main Auditorium. Tickets are limited and will be available for purchase on Feb 3rd.




Heidi Ho has offered the highest quality Preschool for over 50 years in La Grande. However, with the costs of tuition needing to be increased to go along with overall inflation, the possibility of parents sending their children to Heidi Ho has become a financial difficulty for families in recent years.

The decision was made to start a foundation in 2024 to support the longevity of Heidi Ho as the most accredited, highest rated and longest running Preschool & Kindergarten in Union County.

• Support Heidi Ho teachers and staff by increasing salaries and wages, and to offer employment benefits that are competitive within our region. 

• Create an achievable scholarship opportunity that would allow parents to apply for a portion or all of their child’s tuition to be paid.

• Create an achievable scholarship opportunity for alumni of Heidi Ho who are continuing their education in secondary studies.

• Invest in the infrastructure of the building, including the offering of additional grade levels, large monetary investment projects and filling the needs of Heidi Ho to continue serving and sharing the Gospel to the families in our region.

• Pursue purchases of additional property for the use of future potential Heidi Ho programs for Christian education youth programs such as sporting events, concerts, and community events.

Our 2025 Spring Seeds Of Hope Scholarship Campaign is underway. We are looking to reach our goal of $5,000 by May to support a child registered to attend our 2025-2026 school year. On behalf of the Hope Foundation, all donations are deeply appreciated. An online donation platform is currently being set up and will be available in February 2025